Galen Barnes

Name:Galthrax the Destroyer
Hometown:Murgoplex 2
Height:6’0″ – 127’3″
Build:make helloworld
Type:Humanoid Wizard/DM
Blood Type:Liquid – Mostly red
Likes:Killing random PC’s, Word Searches
Dislikes:Naming NPC’s
Combos:Power Nap: Sleep, Wake up, Code, Nap, Nap, Pizza, Nap, Code, Sleep, Juggle a Penguin
Organize: sort all my hard drives alphabetically, generate a spreadsheet to track my sheets, Start a revolution, reboot
Reboot: Ctrl-Alt-Delete
Bio:There is actual no physical proof that Galen actually exists, only hearsay, rumors, and the occasional blurry picture taken at great distance. Oh, wait, that’s Bigfoot the monster truck. Galen is more of a middle-aged computer geek with control issues and delusions of competency. Galen’s can usually be found in confined spaces staring at computer screens and yelling “Why don’t you work????” Be cautious when approaching a Galen, they are fairly shy but dangerous when cornered.
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