Stephen Barnes

Name:Stephen Barnes
Hometown:Downtown Pensylvania, OH
Build:Rush Blink Stalkers
Type:Not yours sadly
Blood Type:Whataver you need but B+
Likes:Food, Camping, Communism, wikipedia, Nihilism, Battlebots, Space, Space Cowboys, Cowboy Bebop, Firefly, Psych, Tragedies, Comedies, Board Games, Hyperlinks, Longer Lists, MCR, JoCo, Dr. Pepper, Pepper, Salt, Water, Rain, Chaos, Socialism, Absurdism, Poetry, Find The Doctor.
Dislikes:Racism, Sexism, most-ism, Depression, Red Herrings, Broken Hyperlinks, Bing, Capitalism, Shorter lists
Combos:Best Move – Mash H
Im Alright – ← ← ← ←
Growing up – ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Keep Quiet – ← → ← → ← → ↑
Kill All Your Friends – A A A B ← ↑ A ←
Captain Hammer will save us – RESET
Leaf on the Wind – RESET
Bang! – RESET
Bio:Not alot to say honestly. I’m pretty cool and do funny things. I’m sad often and love therapy. I play lots of games and create content. Some of it can be found here or here.