The Doctor

Name:The Doctor
Hometown:The Streets
Height:As high as I need to be
Build:Killing Machine
Blood Type:Yours please
Likes:Apathy, Sleep, Food, Inflicting Pain, Hunting
Dislikes:People, Touching, You, Not being let out, Not being let in, Not being petted, Being petted
Combos:Side Swipe: ← ← A A A
Bite: ↑ ↓ B
Stealth: ← ↑ ↑ ↓ →
Pounce: → ↑ ↑ → A B B
Teleport: ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ← →
Kill Move: A B B B A A B B
Swipe: ← → A ← → A
Bio:None of your business.